Summer vacation is hitting the northern hemisphere and most people are enjoying their holiday in coastal Europe, the Americas, warm Asia and tropical Australia.
Where ever you have planned to go this summer don’t forget to be good for the planet and make sure to pack the 10 essential zero-waste travel kit.
My 10 essentials zero-waste travel kit
Sustainability and travel are words that lately don’t go well together, since the main transportation we use to do that seems to be producing a high percentage of CO2 emission; whether it’s from cars, planes or boats. No doubt, to move around and travel we do produce CO2.
Nowadays, travelling seems to be an activity that pleases the pleasure of the most! Since long-distance travel requires creating a big amount of CO2 – meaning being bad for Mother Earth – why don’t we try to compromise and do our best while we travelling?
In this article, I want to share with you my 10 essential zero-waste travel kits, such as products and accessories, that I carry with me on my holiday, long-time travel and eventually what I use in my daily life while travelling on the road.

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Here I share with you my deepest passion and beliefs. If you want to know a bit more about my story and why I opened this blog come to have a look here. I hope you can find more answers to your questions and enjoy your ride through my space on the internet for you.
What’s in my zero-waste travel kit?
1 – My favourite, always number one for at least 10 years now: is a reusable water bottle! Thanks to my family I was never a big fan of single-use plastic bottles, it was never a habit to buy bottled water. Also growing up in Rome gave me the chance to have free water while walking the beautiful city centre, as the “Nasoni” fountains were quenching Romans’s (and non) thirst from 1874.
As the world evolves and we are, finally, understanding that single-use plastic is an avoidable thing, drinkable water sources are getting better. Airports, shopping centres, hiking trails (somewhere), hotels, hostels and lots of other public and private spaces, are trying to make it easier to fill up their own water bottle. So why don’t you give it a try and get that bottle to keep always with you? I have used Hydro Flask 32oz for almost 3 years, it is long-lasting, keeps either cold or hot temperatures for a long time and is easy to wash.

2 – Shampoo and conditioner bars. Since I switched to solid bars I was happy about the results on my hair, but also amazed by the fact I was reducing so much plastic in my beauty routine. So of course this is one of the 10 essential zero-waste travel kits, and guess what? It can be packed in your carry-on luggage without problems since is not a liquid form. You can say goodbye to plastic bottled shampoo and conditioner and especially to the silly 100ml plastic bottle you have to pack in your carry-on luggage (that will probably last you only half of your trip). What’s my best choice? Ethique Curlosity has been an amazing product for my curly hair, the bars last very long and the scent is just delightful.

3 – When I think about the summers spent at my grandmother’s, one big memory was the fact that she was using solid body wash to give me and my two brothers a shower. So here you have the third zero-waste product for your travel kit: a body wash bar and body moisturizer bar. As shampoo and conditioner, they are easy to carry and they won’t spill liquid all over your clothes. The many fragrances they come with are endless, just try to make sure to choose a good brand that uses only a few natural ingredients (be good to the planet and look for the sustainability of the ingredients).. or make your own body wash bar with olive oil, water, caustic soda and essential oils.

4 – What’s an essential zero-waste travel kit without a tin container for the solid bars you have to carry in your luggage? They are so helpful when it comes to storing the different bars, they protect them from moisture and allow them to keep their shape and so making them last long. And guess what? You might be able to give a second life to some old tin you already have at home. I am using at the moment T2 tea container and I love it, so colorful and decent size to fit more than two soap bars.

5 – Bamboo or biodegradable toothbrush and plastic-free toothpaste or tablets definitely need to be in this 10 essential zero-waste travel kit. As they might be the first thing you write down on your “things to pack list”, make sure you have a good plastic-free alternative that suits you. My self, I really enjoy using a bamboo toothbrush and creamy toothpaste in a glass jar; but the options here are many. Toothpaste comes also in tablets and powder, while the toothbrush alternatives are bamboo, cornstarch brushes, plastic-free replaceable heads for an electric toothbrush and more…

6 – Whether it is a summer or winter holiday the use of sunscreen is always a good idea. But have you ever considered a zero-waste, natural and reef-safe sunscreen? This can help you not only to protect yourself from dangerous UV but also to keep Mother Earth healthier and happier. Check out 11 sunscreen alternatives in this post, so you can choose what is best for you.

7 – Did you know deodorant comes in creams, powder and bars too? And guess they can be added to your zero-waste travel kit and trust me you will only fall in love with these products. Don’t be scared to do the conscious switch but be advised that the natural deodorant can take your body some time to adjust. As the body shower, deodorant creams are so easy to make yourself, the few ingredients you need are Bi-carb, coconut oil or shea butter, a starchy powder and your favourite essential oil.
8 – A safety razor is the perfect sustainable option for a plastic single-use one. They come with a biodegradable bamboo handle or, the forever-lasting (if you take good care), stainless steel. The only thing that needs to be replaced is the blade once it gets dull; the blades can be recycled safely by collecting them in a safety can with a lid and bringing them to the right recycle centre near your house. They are not dangerous, you will only need to get used to using them and you will love the results and the money saver through the years.

9 – The menstrual cup, period underwear or reusable pads will definitely have to be in your 10 essential zero-waste kit. I have been using a period cup for longer than 4 years now and I wonder why no one ever told me earlier to give it a try. Big money saver, time saver, and so comfortable that you won’t even realize to have it in; this has definitely been one of the best switches I could do over the years. Still, I promote it to my friends and guess what, they are always so thankful for it. Of course, is not 100% zero-waste but it can last so long (around 5 to 10 years) if you take good care. Same for the underwear and reusable pads. Why don’t you give it a try and share your experience?

10 – I personally don’t use make-up, sometimes just a little touch of mascara and that’s it; even though I love to carry with me some reusable make-up removal pads. They are so soft and easy to take care of. Prefer to buy 100% organic cotton and enjoy the softness on your skin while removing your make-up or simply washing your face with it. I like to remove my mascara with a little raw coconut oil; this way not only you will be make-up-free, but you will also hydrate and moisturize your skin. Try it and you will be impressed!

This is my personal 10 essential zero-waste travel kit, which I changed a lot during the years; so don’t be afraid to try different soap bars, razors or others to find what’s best fit for you.
As I usually travel long term or better say, I move to another country for at least 6 months (to four years)- for work and leisure -, the zero-waste travel kit has helped me to choose what are my 10 essentials travel kit when I do short trips; making my life easier when it comes to packing my carry-on luggage.
What is the goal of this zero-waste travel kit?
Reducing to zero our carbon footprint is almost impossible when it comes to travel. I am not gonna say impossible as you have still the option to walk or pedal to your destination, camp under the stars, drink from the creek and go hunting for your food; but I guess this is not for everyone. This is the reason why I decided to reduce my waste where I can.
The goal of the 10 essential zero-waste travel kit is in fact to reduce unnecessary waste as much as possible. Starting from plastic water bottles, package-free products and alternatives to other plastic-made accessories, using public transport or sharing rides with Uber or Taxis can be the baby steps everyone can make to lower their carbon emission. If you don’t know where to start with these baby steps here’s the post you are looking for: I share the easiest way to go plastic-free.

I hope you will get the confidence to start your own zero-waste travel kit, to make your trips less pollutant and more Earth-friendly.
What was for you the easier thing to swap for a more sustainable option? Do you have any other accessories you will add to your zero-waste travel kit essential? Share your thoughts in the comments and enjoy your trip!